Peaches and The City is an adult animated series set in a fictional, overcrowded metropolis that follows the relatable, often horrific misadventures of a jaded vampire turned vigilante.
Adult Animation provides limitless creativity, yet there is still a shocking absence of Black female characters.
Works in this genre explore a host of ideas, sometimes philosophical, political, and social issues.
Creatively mined from the makings of Black millennial group chats, Peaches and The City will hilariously expose the many horrors lurking in the shadows of everyday life.
Our series features a diverse mix of characters to explore relevant topics, developed for and by Blerds - a community that has heavily contributed to the anime genre's widespread popularity across social media.
Help bring Peaches to life…
A three-phase development strategy is envisioned for the execution of this ground-breaking narrative.
PHASE 1 - $10K
Digital Comic
PHASE 2 - $10K
PHASE 3 - $10K
Animated Short
Next steps for this venture entails securing meaningful partnerships with creatives, studios, and distributors committed to the celebration of Black voices in media.
We remain committed to the development process, looking for new and innovative ways to introduce this vivid world to our audience.